
Dualo vs Dovetail

Dovetail is a qualitative analysis tool, used for recruiting research participants, analysing raw data & sharing qualitative research findings.

Dualo is a mixed method insights hub, used to surface qualitative and quantitative insights and share interactive collections of research.

dualo vs Dovetail

Why Dualo?

Dualo is a research tool built for teams, not just researchers. It’s easy to use for everyone, and purpose-built for creating and maintaining a best-in-class repository of qualitative and quantitative insights.

Dualo for researchers
dualo vs Dovetail

Key differentiators:

Teams may opt for Dovetail to create an insights hub, but this requires using a product not specifically designed for this purpose. This may result in many months of lost research time, and hindered access to key insights, which can be avoided by using a dedicated solution like Dualo.

dualo vs Dovetail

A trusted partner

Dualo is more than a platform - it's a solutions partner. Our experts specialise in building scalable research repositories and provide ongoing support to ensure success from launch to rollout. With Dualo, our specialists are dedicated to helping you achieve your research goals.

Dualo for stakeholders

These are just a few reasons why Dualo is a smarter choice for building your insights hub.

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